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Department of Public Works

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In FY 2021, SSA expanded its facilities, logistics, special events, emergency preparedness and safety roles to enhance DPW’s overall performance. SSA acted as the Department’s firefighters, responding quickly to emergency and non-emergency situations such as COVID-19 outbreaks in DPW facilities, snow and ice events, and man-made emergencies, thus contributing to District residents’ safety, security, and wellbeing. 



  • Achieved 100% compliance with stormwater requirements across all 18 sites for the second year in a row.
  • Began the installation of a solar panel canopy to prevent stormwater contamination by rainwater that falls on DPW vehicles and drains into the sewer system.
  • Completed 95% of work orders to maintain DPW facilities.
  • Augmented transfer station safety operations by overseeing installation of thermal cameras that improve monitoring of temperatures to reduce fire risk. 
  • Installed 12 Automated External Defibrillators (AED) at DPW facilities.
  • Introduced eRisk technology to boost safe driving among DPW employees.
  • Kept front-line drivers, representing multiple DC government agencies, in compliance with safe driving rules of while plowing snow overnight.


  • Supported 23 First Amendment protest events, including the January 6, 2021 insurrection at the US Capitol.
  • Supported the January 20, 2021 Inauguration of President Joseph R. Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.
  • Provided impact suppression vehicles at _____ emergency and other public events.
  • Took the necessary precautions to avoid COVID-19 infection, which protects everyone’s health.
  • Transitioned from a COVID-19 emergency operations posture to scheduled operations, e.g., warehouse management and assembling test kits.
  • Completed:
    • 10,000 COVID-19 test kit deliveries.
    • 11,000 vaccination deliveries.
    • 574 PPE deliveries.
  • Installed 45 LabCorps test kit drop-off boxes in neighborhoods for residents to deposit their test materials for analysis.
  • Led the intergovernmental team to decommission and demolish the District’s Alternate Care Site [for COVID-19 patients] at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.
  • Acquired disinfectant apparatus to clean DPW worksites where COVID exposures had occurred, and trained staff in its use, thus saving contract expenses. 
  • Completed the 2021 Continuity of Operations Plan, updating the District’s Debris Management Plan, and completing 11 Emergency Response Plans with nine approved in FY 2021. 


SSA’S COVID-19 Operations Extend Across the District

Stepping down from emergency to scheduled operations reflects precautions taken early in the pandemic.

“My proudest accomplishment in 2021 was staying safe while completing my daily operations in a timely and efficient manner. I made that happen by following Covid -19 protocols. It benefits the government, residents and businesses alike if we all can stay healthy, out of harm’s way, so we can complete our operations and tasks at hand,” said SSA’s Steve Roberson.


And the rest of the SSA team followed the COVID protocols, which kept them safe to deliver their life-saving services. Following these protocols is significant. The vaccine became available in January 2021, almost a full year since the virus was first detected. This meant SSA’s healthy young and middle-age adults weren’t able to be vaccinated until March 2021. Nevertheless, the SSA team performed its 24/7 duties unprotected by the vaccine. 

Stormwater Facilities Oversight

Achieving 100% compliance with stormwater requirements across all 18 sites for the second year in a row reflects upgraded operating standards.

A fully compliant stormwater program keeps residents and visitors safe while protecting the environment. When all sites function well, stormwater facilities:

  • Reduce flooding in our urban environment.
  • Remove pollution carried by stormwater.
  • Protect local stream banks from erosion.
  • Protect public health. 


Enhanced inspections and training protocols help prevent stormwater facilities from becoming clogged by trash, debris, sediment and mud, or other stormwater pollutants. As well, they reveal developing structural cracks and leaks before they become major problems. Regular maintenance prevents problems. 

Timely Maintenance of DPW Facilities

Completing 95% of work orders to maintain DPW facilities.

DPW employees work from multiple sites across the District. SSA is their intermediary with the Department of General Services (DGS) to ensure all workplaces are safe and secure by addressing environmental issues, e.g., heating and cooling; and physical issues, e.g., energy efficient windows.

Safe Driving is a Core Performance Requirement

Training employees to use safe driving techniques protects people and property.

DPW leads the District Snow Team and trains drivers from multiple DC government agencies to drive safely under snowy and icy conditions. During snowstorms, SSA team members keep these drivers in compliance with safe driving rules. For year-round operations, SSA introduced eRisk technology to boost safe driving among DPW employees.

SSA coordinates DPW’s response with agencies within and outside of DC government. 

SSA creates communications and operations linkages with agencies across the National Capitol Region.

SSA is DPW’s link to federal, state and local emergency response agencies. Whether the event is the National Cherry Blossom Festival, a neighborhood street fair or a hurricane bearing down on the region, SSA ensures DPW’s parking management, solid waste management and administrative staff are where they are needed. Between October 2020 and January 2021, DPW supported the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) by providing impact suppression vehicles, which are six- and 10-wheel dump trucks, tow trucks, and bike racks for19 of these events. After each event, SSA coordinated cleaning the streets and surrounding areas so that normal life could quickly resume for residents. One event transcended Constitutional bounds and devolved into criminality – the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6th.



Mayor Muriel Bowser honored the Safety and Security Administration with multiple awards at the May 21, 2021 ceremony. The Valor Award was presented to their team for being “[A]t the fore of responding to unprecedented public events this past year, including the support of safe racial justice demonstrations, the creation of Black Lives Matter Plaza, the defending of the Capitol during the January 6th Insurrection, and the facilitation of a secure Inauguration.” As part of the Inauguration Team, they were heralded for “extraordinary planning and preparation that lead to a safe and peaceful Inauguration.”

The Unsung Heroes Award was presented to teams “for their exemplary behind-the-scenes work to keep government functioning during this challenging and unprecedented year.” 

  • SSA was honored as a member of the Safe Elections Team, recognized for its support of “The election in November 2020 [that] was unlike any previously experienced with an unprecedented number of voters casting ballots during a pandemic.” SSA staff installed mail-in ballot drop boxes. 
  • SSA also was honored as a member of the PPE Team, which “worked under the mission support section to build out our PPE warehousing and distribution system needed to support our first responders and providers during the earliest days of the pandemic through today.”

Recognition for Individual Excellence

Warnique West, (title), was admitted to Cohort 34, The George Washington University, Center for Excellence in Public Leadership, College of Professional Studies, to be awarded the Certificate of Public Management in September 2022.